Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Climbing Outside

The weather finally cleared up on the weekend so I was able to boulder outside. The snow has been so persistent that only very sun-exposed features at Flagstaff were climbable. Saturday especially was the day that the crowds really hit the mountain, not climbers so much as beer-drinking high school kids. I felt really tired and couldn't climb much of interest. However a shout out to OSMP for sandblasting the graffiti off the traverse on the backside of the Amphitheater

Sunday was a bit better. After a long warmup and some time spent helping a dad set up a top-rope for his son on Crown Rock, I went over to the Red Wall and did Moffatt Direct first try and Firewall a low RH start to the Red Wall problem, in a few tries. MD is given V8 and Firewall is V8/9.

I have been feeling somewhat drained on the writing front and the fact that little news of real interest has been happening locally hasn't helped. Or maybe it's been a long winter. It was good to get moving outside though.


chuffer said...

So the graffiti is gone now, eh? Looks like I need to take a new picture for the guide.

Peter J. said...

Moving over real stone outside always helps with my writing. Nice to know about the graffiti removal.